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Opening Hours

Mon to Sat: 9am - 12pm | 1pm - 4pm

Sun: 10am - 12pm | Closed Bank Holidays

Luxury Boarding

Being locked inside a cramped kennel can be a confusing and distressing experience for any dog. Give them a holiday all of their own and bring them to Brookfields! Your dog will have all the attention they get at home with the added excitement of sniffing out new friends and surroundings.

All of our kennels are specifically designed to help your dog feel at home throughout their stay. As well as curtains and pictures, we also have ticking clocks and radios for background noise.

Benefits of our luxury kennels include:

2024 Boarding Prices


per night

£22.00 additional dog(s)

Dogs are let outside regularly throughout the day and evening. Our vast outdoor space offers secure and tranquil location for them. Each dog gets three 15-20 minute walks during Summer months and two 15-20 minute walks during our Winter months. Which are include in the price. We vary our walks to keep our guests excited and entertained with new surroundings and smells. Keeping them stimulated at all times.

If you would like to book your dog/s into Brookfield's, then please download our booking form below. Call us directly on 01543 480724 or 07880 871081 to check we have availability and pay the required deposit, then return your fully completed form within one week to confirm the booking to the address listed on the form.

If you require any further information about our luxury boarding facilities or to make a special request, please feel free to contact us.
